How to Make Your Home a Reflection of You

Home is where the heart is, and it's the place where we spend most of our time. So, it’s important to make it a space that reflects our personality, lifestyle, and needs. However, with so many design magazines and social media platforms showcasing picture-perfect homes, it's easy to fall into the trap of copying trends and styles that may not fit your unique self. Here are some tips to help you make your home a reflection of you.

It’s About You, Not Magazines or Instagram

Create a space that is a reflection of you instead of trying to copy something in a magazine. It's easy to get caught up in the latest trends and styles, but it's important to remember that those trends may not suit your personality and lifestyle, especially long-term. The best way to make your space a reflection of you is to incorporate elements that bring you happiness and that are a pleasure to be in.  Whether it's a particular color palette, a collection of artwork or a piece of furniture that holds sentimental value, incorporating personal touches will make your space feel more like home.

Success = Beauty and Function

Make the space function for your needs and lifestyle. A space that functions well for you is essential to living comfortably. While it's easy to fall in love with the perfectly organized kitchen or office you saw on Pinterest, it's important to consider your natural patterns and tendencies before making any significant changes. If your natural tendency is to pile up papers, creating a storage system that fits your natural inclination is a better solution than trying to change your habits. Making changes to fit your natural patterns and tendencies will make it easier for you to maintain the space, and you'll feel more at ease.

Determine Your Personal Level of Formality

The level of sophistication and formality of your home should align with your personality and lifestyle. A great way to determine where you are on this scale is to look at your wardrobe. If you prefer more formal clothing, you may want your home to reflect that style. On the other hand, if you prefer a more casual feel, incorporating a cozy and relaxed design could be more suitable. Understanding your style preferences will help you make informed decisions on fit and finish for your space's interiors. Having an interior designer at your side will help you discover your own personal tastes. 

Selecting the Right Materials for Your Lifestyle

Choose the finishes that look, feel, and function to meet your needs. The finishes you choose for your home would ideally align with your lifestyle. If you desire pure sophisticated luxury, you will want to invest in high-end finishes and materials. On the other hand, if you have three kids and a dog, choose materials that are attractively durable to handle the wear and tear of daily life. Considering your needs and lifestyle when choosing finishes will make your space more practical, functional, and beautiful.

At Jennifer Butler Design, we are committed to curating your space that leaves you feeling truly at home. Check out our portfolio and contact us to get your project started!

Jennifer Butler Design